
chapter 1:The History and  Evolution of Java

1.Java’s Lineage

2.The Creation of Java

3.How Java Changed the Internet

4.Java’s Magic: The Bytecode

5.Servlets: Java on the Server Side

6.The Java Buzzwords

7.The Evolution of Java

1.Java’s Lineage

1.1 现代编程的诞生:C

The C language shook the computer world. Its impact should not be underestimated, because
it fundamentally changed the way programming was approached and thought about. The
creation of C was a direct result of the need for a structured, efficient, high-level language
that could replace assembly code when creating systems programs. As you probably know,
when a computer language is designed, trade-offs are often made, such as the following:

•     Ease-of-use versus power 易用性与动力性
•     Safety versus efficiency 安全与效率
•     Rigidity versus extensibility 健壮性与延展性

1.2 C++的诞生

C++ was invented by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979, while he was working at Bell Laboratories
in Murray Hill, New Jersey. Stroustrup initially called the new language “C with Classes.”
However, in 1983, the name was changed to C++. C++ extends C by adding object-oriented
features. Because C++ is built on the foundation of C, it includes all of C’s features, attributes,
and benefits. This is a crucial reason for the success of C++ as a language. The invention of
C++ was not an attempt to create a completely new programming language. Instead, it was
an enhancement to an already highly successful one.

(C++是Bjarne Stroustrup于1979发明的,当时他在贝尔实验室工作。在新泽西州的默里山。stroustrup最初称这种新语言为“带类的c”。然而,在1983,名称被更改为C++。C++通过添加面向对象扩展C特征。因为C++是建立在C的基础上的,它包含了所有C的特性、属性,还有好处。这是C++作为一门语言成功的一个重要原因。发明C++并不是试图创建一种全新的编程语言。相反,它是一个已经非常成功的改进)

1.3 java在此背景下开始出现

2.The Creation of Java(Java的产生)

2.1 java的出现

Java was conceived by James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, Chris Warth, Ed Frank, and Mike
Sheridan at Sun Microsystems, Inc. in 1991. It took 18 months to develop the first working
version. This language was initially called “Oak,” but was renamed “Java” in 1995. Between
the initial implementation of Oak in the fall of 1992 and the public announcement of Java
in the spring of 1995, many more people contributed to the design and evolution of the
language. Bill Joy, Arthur van Hoff, Jonathan Payne, Frank Yellin, and Tim Lindholm were
key contributors to the maturing of the original prototype.

(Java是由James Gosling,Patrick Nouton,Chris Warth,Ed Frank和Mike构思的1991年在太阳微系统公司工作。第一次工作花了18个月版本。这种语言最初被称为“oak”,但在1995年被重命名为“java”。介于1992年秋季oak的初步实现及java的公开发布

Somewhat surprisingly, the original impetus for Java was not the Internet! Instead, the
primary motivation was the need for a platform-independent (that is, architecture-neutral)

language that could be used to create software to be embedded in various consumer
electronic devices, such as microwave ovens and remote controls. As you can probably
guess, many different types of CPUs are used as controllers. The trouble with C and C++
(and most other languages) is that they are designed to be compiled for a specific target.
Although it is possible to compile a C++ program for just about any type of CPU, to do so
requires a full C++ compiler targeted for that CPU. The problem is that compilers are
expensive and time-consuming to create. An easier—and more cost-efficient—solution
was needed. In an attempt to find such a solution, Gosling and others began work on a
portable, platform-independent language that could be used to produce code that would
run on a variety of CPUs under differing environments. This effort ultimately led to the
creation of Java。


2.2 java与C#的联系

Perhaps the most important example of Java’s influence is C#. Created by Microsoft to
support the .NET Framework, C# is closely related to Java. For example, both share the
same general syntax, support distributed programming, and utilize the same object model.
There are, of course, differences between Java and C#, but the overall “look and feel” of
these languages is very similar. This “cross-pollination” from Java to C# is the strongest
testimonial to date that Java redefined the way we think about and use a computer language。


3.How Java Changed the Internet (Java如何改变的互联网)

Java Applets、 Security、 Portability

4.Java’s Magic: The Bytecode(Java的魔力:字节码)

Translating a Java program into bytecode makes it much easier to run a program in
a wide variety of environments because only the JVM needs to be implemented for each
platform. Once the run-time package exists for a given system, any Java program can run
on it. Remember, although the details of the JVM will differ from platform to platform, all
understand the same Java bytecode. If a Java program were compiled to native code, then
different versions of the same program would have to exist for each type of CPU connected
to the Internet. This is, of course, not a feasible solution. Thus, the execution of bytecode
by the JVM is the easiest way to create truly portable programs。


5.Servlets: Java on the Server Side(servlet:服务器端的Java)

Servlets are used to create dynamically generated content that is then served to the
client. For example, an online store might use a servlet to look up the price for an item in a
database. The price information is then used to dynamically generate a web page that is sent
to the browser. Although dynamically generated content is available through mechanisms
such as CGI (Common Gateway Interface), the servlet offers several advantages, including
increased performance。


Because servlets (like all Java programs) are compiled into bytecode and executed by
the JVM, they are highly portable. Thus, the same servlet can be used in a variety of
different server environments. The only requirements are that the server support the JVM
and a servlet container.


6.The Java Buzzwords(Java的流行特性)

  • Simple 简单
  • Secure 安全
  • Portable 便于携带
  • Object-oriented 面对对象
  • Robust 强健的
  • Multithreaded 多线路
  • Architecture-neutral
  • Interpreted 解释型
  • High performance 高精确性,高性能
  • Distributed 分布式的
  • Dynamic 动态的

7.The Evolution of Java(Java的演化)




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