if 作用:做条件判断 (但条件判断)
<select id="selByName" resultType="com.ganin.entity.Account">
select id,name,created,updated from account where 1=1
<if test="name !=null and name !=''">
and name like concat('%',#{name},'%')
choose-when-otherwise 作用:条件选择(参考一下switch语句形式; 用来多条件分支判断)
<select id="selByChoose" resultType="com.ganin.entity.Account">
select id,name,created,updated,money from account where 1=1
<when test="name !=null and name !=''">
and name like concat('%',#{name},'%')
<when test="money !=null and money !=''">
and money =#{money}
and isdeleted=1
where、set 作用:辅助 (处理sql语句拼接问题)
where~if 例:
<select id="selByName" resultType="com.ganin.entity.Account">
select id,name,created,updated from account
<if test="name !=null and name !=''">
and name like concat('%',#{name},'%')
set ~if 例:(在遇到逗号的时候,把对应的逗号去掉)
<update id="updateAccout" parameterType="com.ganin.entity.Account">
update account
<if test="name !=null and name !=''">
<if test="money!=null and money!=''">
where id=#{id}
foreache 作用:循环 (作用时用来遍历集合,支持数组、List、Set接口集合)
<select id="selIn" resultType="com.ganin.entity.Account">
select id,name,created,updated from account where name in
<foreach collection="names" separator="," item="name" open="(" separator="," close=")">
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